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The Therapeutic Flow Write Cards: Seasons of Healings - Deck of 54 cards


“Seasons of Healing” offers a rich opportunity to explore your inner world, either for the first time, a private time, or as a personal collaboration with any therapeutic process in which you are engaged.


Your mind holds your experience. Your mind holds the answers. Use your unique written voice to narrate your path to healing. Each Season, each Week, each Day, flow into writing.


Choose one card and flow write discovery and healing from the prompt word. No pausing, thirty minutes a day. Follow the trail your mind maps for you, taking dictation as you listen to your authorial voice. You don’t have to think it or make it happen. Flow write your mind. Healing will flow from your pen.

Therapeutic Flow Write Cards - Seasons of Healing: 54 Cards

SKU: T-flow write cards
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